Wednesday 23 March 2011


Everybody like themselves to be respected.  If you respect people, people will respect you.  I'm now on strained terms with a particular individual due to respect.  She does not respect her father and treats him like a log.  I hope she will change her thinking because what goes around, comes around.  As far as I know, her father is a good father.  He brought her up, provided her education and even helped her out to settle her debts.  However, she only brings problems to her parents and do not repay them as she should.  What is annoying is that she's an adult. I totally can't accept that.  You can't thank and repay your parents enough no matter what you do for them.   To me, as humans, we should cherish one another and be harmonious to one another.  You will never know if you are going to lose them before its too late. So try and learn to respect and you will gain respect for yourself.

Friday 4 March 2011

Random Things

Hmm, actually I don' feel comfortable writing blogs cos it makes me feel divulged.  There are only certain things you can say and share.  Blog is public so you are not sure who's reading.  Level of trust is crucial here.

I'm listening to Metallica right now while writing this blog.  It has been a while since Iistened to them.  Rock music to me is refreshing and dynamic.  My brother and I dig rock music. :)  My brother plays the drums and guitar.  He's very good at them.  He has his own band called Azzura.  I tried to learn to play the guitar before but gave up.  So I just stick to watching my brother and his band perform instead.

I like Nirvana, Silverchair and Foo Fighters.  Nirvana has a raw, new wave sound.  Silverchair is more to alternative rock while Foo Fighters play hard rock.  I attended Foo Fighters' gig  at the Harbour Pavillion in 1996.  I was 19 at that time.  I really enjoyed their show.

So that's it for now. Gotta go.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

General Stuff About Myself

Well, I'm new to blog.  It all started when Noel, my job training supervisor asked us trainees to do blog twice a week.  I forgot either Shuhui or Runbin suggested that I could sign up with Blogger (  My first entry was about the days I've gone through job training.  That was the first thing that came to my mind when I started the first blog. 

I was sick yesterday and today.  As evening approaches, I felt better.  I took Panadol and cold tablets and slept most of the time. 

I'm still stuck as I dont know what to write.  I think I'm going to be spontaneous.  I was a timid, anti-social kid when I was young.  An introvert too.  I was only close to my mom.  So, imagine the 'challenges' I had to encounter.  I had bad days during kindergarten classes.  I quit kindergarten and had no basics.  My Primary 1 days were bad also.  I had difficulty to catch up with class and homework.  What was worse was that my teachers were fierce.   I remembered my form teacher wrote in an exercise book informing my parents my latest update in class.  My late mom then tutored me.  I remembered her photocopying my workbooks and textbooks.  She made me did the assignments.  I showed progress and lucky for me, I was not the last student in class.  I was promoted to Primary 2.  I was happy and relieved.  I am not sure what Mom thought at that time.  If she is around, I will surely ask her. I miss her :(

I progressed quite smoothly in studies after that. However, my personality never changed.  As the family grew, my mom had no time to tutor me and thus my dad hired tuition teachers for me and my sisters.  Studies was only in my mind.  I was anti social so I hated ECAs and PE lessons. I recalled my Primary 5 form teacher, Mr Lau, wrote in my report book saying "Should be more bold to ask questions."  My self-esteem was low too.

Secondary school life was no different.  I just concentrated on studies. I mixed with students who were known as the 'nerdy ones'.. lol.  My personality still stayed the same.  I hated boys at that time too.  I was quite judgemental.  I did not mix with people whom I perceived to be good looking.  To me, good looking people were vain.

When I continued studying in the Poly, things changed a bit.  I became fashion conscious.  I started to listen to rock bands.  I had few admirers among fellow school mates but I didn't care much cos studies were still top in my list.  School was quite tough for me, especially from the technical aspect of it.  However, I perservered and just did my level best.  It was quite an achievement for me when I managed to graduate in time.  I remained low profile throughout the 3 years I spent in Poly.  One fellow coursemate didn't even know that I exist lol.  When we were grouped together to do a semester project, she told me she had not seen me before.  I just shrugged and smiled.  I made some good friends but totally lost contact with them now.  Maybe I should search for them in Facebook.

Those were some memories I have during school.  I must admit I really enjoyed my days at Poly especially.  I was quite carefree and more expressive.  It's time for prayer.  Gotta go.